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Innovating Captions

There are over 360 million people worldwide with disabling hearing loss, of which 70 million are deaf. All these people rely on captions as a form of an assistive device, and yet caption design hasn't improved too much since their creation in 1972. 

For my Honours project at AUT University, I wanted to tackle caption designs to create a form of animated captions that would be able to represent tone of voice in the texts.


This project involved developing caption designs using Cinema 4D and Adobe After Effects, as well as testing the created captions using an eye-tracking software called Tobii, to see whether placements of the captions affected how long viewers spent looking at captions rather than the content of the video.


A short 3D animation was developed for this project using Motion Capture. The models and environment was created by me using Autodesk Maya. However, the animation is not finished or finalised as a fully rendered animation is not part of this research criteria.



This page is still under construction as the research project has not concluded. However, the images below are from the various testings I have done throughout the iterative design process of this research project.

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